

12 Uppsatser om Scottish clans - Sida 1 av 1

Det modiga Skottland : Skotsk nationell identitet och klanväsende

This thesis in social anthropology is based on the essence of Scottishness i.e. Scottish identity and Scottish clans. The thesis intends to raise the meaning of Scottish history for the Scottish identity and to analyse the relation between Scots and Englishmen. It is also meant to study how Geertz and Lewellen?s theories work in the Scottish field.

Det självstyrande Skottland : Skotsk nationalism och regionalism

This thesis in social anthropology is based on the inner essence, manifestations and tendencies of Scottish nationalism and regionalism. The thesis intends to investigate how Scottish nationalism and regionalism are related to each other. It is meant to highlight the meaning of the Wallace-myth for maintenance of the Scottish national consciousness and to illuminate factors lying behind this myth. It is also meant to study how Turner, Lévi-Strauss, Anderson, Eriksen, Hobsbawm and Hettne?s theories work in the Scottish field.

Det Spruckna Kungariket : En idéanalys om Skottlands folkomröstning 2014 och nationsidentitet i Storbritannien och Skottland

In today?s Europe nationalist movements grow stronger. The Scottish referendum is a result of the nationalistic party Scottish National Party?s aim of an independent Scotland. Using a descriptive idea analysis the essay aim to answer how the referendum arose, its main arguments and how national and state identity is affected in the arguments.

Downward migration and transfer to plants of radiocaesium in Scottish soil profiles : a comparison with earlier studies

Following the accident at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl in 1986, great volumes of137Cs were distributed over large parts of the former Soviet Union and Europe. Over Scotland,radiocaesium was deposited as wet deposition. Due to the relatively long physical half-life of30 years, there are still measurable activity concentrations in the natural environment. Thisstudy was made on two organic soils, Knockandy Hill and Rora Moss, situated in the easternpart of the central highlands of Scotland. At these two sites, studies on migration and transferbetween soil and plants were conducted.

Korruptionssyndrom och bekämpningsstrategier : fallet Albanien

Corruption is a very broad definition which is not easy to define. It happens due to the phenomenon?s complexity and its many different forms and syndromes. Before fighting corruption it is therefore necessary to find its roots and form. Furthermore, many countries aspire today for a better democracy but find visible barriers on their ways in a form of corruption i.a.

Undersökning av mental arbetsbelastning under instrumentflygövningar

En människa har en viss mängd kapacitet för att utföra uppgifter. Om uppgifterna blir för svåra eller för många, det vill säga om den mentala arbetsbelastningen blir för hög, går det inte längre att klara av alla uppgifter och prioritering av de viktigaste uppgifterna blir nödvändigt. Piloter behöver ofta ta in och bearbeta en stor mängd information under instrumentflygning. Ofta måste en del av uppgifterna utföras samtidigt och på begränsad tid. Syftet med examensarbetet är att, med hjälp av en subjektiv mätmetod undersöka vilka moment under instrumentflygövningar som medför störst respektive minst mental arbetsbelastning.

Helicobacter spp. i digestionskanalen hos svenska katter : en metodologisk och klinisk studie

Following the accident at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl in 1986, great volumes of137Cs were distributed over large parts of the former Soviet Union and Europe. Over Scotland,radiocaesium was deposited as wet deposition. Due to the relatively long physical half-life of30 years, there are still measurable activity concentrations in the natural environment. Thisstudy was made on two organic soils, Knockandy Hill and Rora Moss, situated in the easternpart of the central highlands of Scotland. At these two sites, studies on migration and transferbetween soil and plants were conducted.

Interorganisatoriska Samarbeten i Byggprojekt : En Kontraktsansats

Bakgrund: Forskningen kring projekt har under senare år ökat i omfattning. En anledning är att projektorganiseringen utgör ett sätt att samla ett antal specialister för att få dem att samverka mot ett gemensamt mål. Utöver de interna relationer som uppstår i projekt förekommer det även involvering av interorganisatoriska partners i samarbetet vilket är speciellt vanligt i byggprojekt som karaktäriseras av en hög grad av interorganisatorisk specialisering. Problemformuleringar: Den utpräglade specialiseringen inom byggprojekt fordrar som all annan typ av specialisering, samordning och koordinering av resurser med den skillnaden att det här handlar om samordning över de organisatoriska gränserna. Det som denna studie behandlar är därför de relationer byggföretag har till sina underentreprenörer i samband medbyggprojekt.

Staten och samhällskontraktets säkerhetsgarantier : de fredsbevarande missionernas komplementära samhällsfunktion

Not enough attention has been paid to the correlation between the failure of peacekeeping operations and the actual source of civil wars. This text is an attempt to fill that gap. Hence the question: under which conditions is it possible for peacekeeping operations to replace the responsibility of the state concerning the security aspects of the social contract? The outset of the text, using the theories of Robert Nozick, is a theoretical approach towards the founding of states, described as the merging of entities. The theory serves a purpose since it, in combination with identity, illustrates in what manner the glue of society occurs and the rallying around other kind of loyalties like clans and ethnicities.

Utnyttjandet av ligghallar hos dikor och kvigor av köttras under vintern :

Cattle used for meat production can be held outside all year round and due to the legislation they should have access to shelters or other buildings for protection against the elements giving them a dry and clean bedding. There are different opinions concerning their need of protection and the question about necessity of shelters for cattle is of current interest due to a less profitable economy in meat production and the investment costs for shelters. The aim of this study was to acquire more knowledge about the natural behaviour of cattle concerning their use of shelters. The basis of the study was a series of questions regarding when animals choose to stay in shelters, if shelters were used less when they had access to protecting vegetation, how temperature and weather conditions affected the use of shelters and the influence of distance between shelter and feed. Behavioural studies was conducted at five different farms where six groups of suckler cows and heifers of following breeds and crossbreeds were observed; Aberdeen Angus, Charolais, Hereford, Scottish Highland Cattle, Simmental and the Swedish breeds SKB and SRB.

Rydboholms engelska park : historik och vårdprogram

The estate of Rydboholm is situated in the municipality of Österåker, north of Stockholm, Sweden, and has a long history dating back to the 14th century. Rydboholm was the home of several families of great national importance, such as the Finsta and Vasa clans. However, since the 1500s, the noble family Brahe was the most influential; leaving its mark on the castle and surroundings. The gardens of Rydboholm consist of two parts; The first is from the baroque era, dating back to the 1660s, and the second is an immense landscape park completed around the year 1800 by Magnus Fredrik Brahe. During his travels through Europe, Magnus Fredrik Brahe was influenced by the new English-style gardens and he brought a large collection of literature on the subject back to Sweden, still kept in the library of Rydboholm.

Rätten till Norrland : nutida strider, historisk arena

An introduction to the complexity which surrounds the matters of land in the northern parts of Sweden was the purpose of this thesis. The agriculture colonization, the delimitation and the development of forestry and mining business were big events which are shown from the view of property rights. The situation of the Lappish people and how their situation has changed through the history was the main theme of the thesis. Hopefully this thesis will also serve as a support while reading for example investigations published by the government and judgments by courts. Supply to the resources of nature has always been decisive for the survival of humans.